Sunday, 24 September 2017

Planning: Initial Ideas 1

Planning: Initial Idea 1

Idea 1:
Splits between two story lines, one would be following my family around London (a day out) which will then cut between that footage and one from a party, I will create a jagged effect with the party, overlaying blue filters on top to separate the two story lines.
The music video will start off by following family around in London, using fillers such as monuments and feet walking. I will bring in aspects of the party, and then throughout music video the party scenes will gradually grow and appear more often until the three-quarters of the way through the music video will be all about the party.

  • The clips will work and change with the beat of the music.
  • Opens with mother and daughter, portraying general beauty standards.
  • Follows family around London.
  • Darker clips of party will feature, some of the footage would be sped up.
This first clip is footage from the party scene, this footage has a cool-tone which makes the clip appear darker. The focus in this clip follows the movement of the boy, enabling the focus for the viewer to look at the boy and his action of raising a glass rather than to his surroundings.
The second footage from the part shows a wide shot that captures a movement. Contrary to the footage previously which was a still shot, the movement from this clips begins to create a narrative for the party scenes by showing the characteristics of the people in the story line. This footage also has a blue-ish tint which coincides with the footage previously, linking the area of the clips and the people together.

The bottom two clips is footage that will be used for the opening of my music video. I overlay the two clips when the hand movements cross over at the same point. I film my mum easily sliding on the lipstick and cut to myself smudging it across my face. This movement represents the in-just belief that women need or have to use makeup. The change in people for the footage also portrays the generation change and therefor the change in views of beauty standards and what is and isn't accepted.