Monday, 18 September 2017

Pitch Evaluation

In this post I analyse my Pitch Feedback:

The pitch feedback was very positive, everyone participated in wanting to help me choose which of my three ideas would be best to follow up with, improve or change slightly. Bridey and Sophie both agreed that the second idea was the best to follow through with as it seemed to be a "more malleable idea and that you can do a lot more with it than the other concepts." I stated at the beginning of my pitch that I wanted to follow through with either my second or third idea as they both will feature choreographed dance clips.

My first idea was based off an idea I had earlier in the year, and I collected footage for it to experiment with to allow myself to figure out whether it was an idea I wanted to follow through with.
My third idea was then favourited by the majority of the class, "It's more intricate and there's a lot more you can do with it" "I feels like it gets to us on an emotional level" "Yea and in terms of the cinematic elements as well-" " tells more than just one story, it tells a thousand you know, 'who's that behind the camera?" both Navid and Sabil speak.
"It's different, not many people do that they just focus on one camera-" "be more interesting" "-yea, its sort of like an original idea" both Eleanor and Sophie mention.
Over all the class agreed that my third idea was the best one to follow through with as it was the most malleable idea that could work with any linear storyline I chose to film along side the choreographed filmed clips.