In my film Ident designs I explore a range of different design ideas and abbreviations from the top one being my original design. My inspirations came from 'New Line Cinema' and 'Screen Gems'. NWL's design is black and white, similar to an over-exposed image or silhouette of a square with two lines of film next to and across the square. The contrasting black and white create a statement piece and stand out when the ident is used.
Similarly to this, SG's film identity is again a contrasting colour, red against black and the design is made up of shapes, rather than a picture or moving clip like Warner Brothers Ident or Walt Disney. Although the red makes it hard to read the ident, it makes SG's ident individual. In both of these idents the shapes are recognisable which is something I used to inspire me to structure the design of my own film ident.
The top design of the four was the original design I made and the other three designs develop from this one. The triangle shapes differentiate from one another, the two black triangles create a square, one of them is elongated which creates over hanging ends. I then edited a white triangle on the left angling it inwards, the white cuts up one of the triangles and crosses over the white divide between the two black triangles. Using black and white as the original colour theme was inspired by New Line Cinemas Ident. The two dramatic colours, although only connote both divide and connection, using the colour red, inspiration taken from Screen Gems' Ident colour theme, I wanted to first outline the white triangle to see whether making it visible from the background would begin to express another meaning to the design. Using the red to outline the triangle made it the focal point within the ident making it the first thing looked at from the viewer. I then developed this idea and changed the background of the ident, creating a borderline of red. I also outlined the triangle in black to separate it from the two black triangles.
The last design is similar to the third but I too out the black outline from around the white triangle. Minimising the outline enabled me to make the white triangle bigger and enabled it to become the focal point within the ident, stopping the red background overpowering the design of the ident.