Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Post Production: Music Video Rough Cut Colour

The representation of colour was a vital detail used in my music video, it separates the video into different sections. My music video opens with clips that have been sped-up, the speed distorts the images and reinforces the uncontrolled emotions of my character. The blue colour is not only a metaphorical link between the references to water in the lyrics and to the footage I filmed of the character in water, but it separates the opening section to the rest of the music video. A blue colour insinuates negativity and a lack of power. The cooled tone overlay gives the audience a quick insight to the mental health of the character.
The first shots that begin the non-linear story line of my video were edited and changed to appear in Black and White. The lack of colour implies the beginning of the morning, a clean and clear sheet where throughout the music video the mental health of the character is implied through strong references to loneliness and repetition. The colour builds up to full saturation, this occurs when the character washes their face. Water and cleansing is highly referenced throughout the music video, the build up of colour while the character looks into his own reflection, suggests that he is seeing himself properly for the first time. From this point the colour begins to fade, I over lay shots, one being less saturated and the other in Black and White, to suggest the fading memories and deterioration of the characters mental health. 

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