Friday, 11 August 2017

Non-Genre Timeline Analysis: 'Riptide' Vance Joy

0:00- wide shot of sky, camera moving from high angle to eye angle
0:10- close up
0:12- low angle
0:15- mid shot (closes in slightly)
0:17- high angle
0:20- mid-long shot
0:22- high angle, closes into close up
0:25- close up into 0:27- low angle
0:29- med long shot
0:33- medium shot
0:42- birds eye view
0:43- close up
0:50- medium shot
0:58- high angle into 1:01- high angle close up
1:06- low angle
1:08- medium shot
1:09- extreme long shot
1:12- long shot
1:19- low angle
1:22- high angle close up
1:27- medium shot
1:31- close up
1:52- canted close up
1:36- high angle close up
2:03- medium shot
2:19- close up
2:21- medium shot
2:23- low angle close up
2:28- medium shot
2:41- high  angle
2:43- close up
2:46- medium shot
2:54- medium shot into 2:56- canted
2:57- high angle
2:59- low angle close up
3:04 medium shot

I chose this music video for one of the two non genre specific music videos because comparing the storyline in this music video to the one filmed for Chris Browns 'Beautiful People' and my ideas for my music video completely contrast. Not only is the music genre different to the soulful/ R&B style of 'Beautiful People', Vance Joys approach to his music video is full of metaphorical ideas and meanings, colourful and bright colours, while within the original clips filmed for 'Beautiful People' the storyline follows something darker with partying; opposite to the seemingly innocent colours and shots filmed for 'Riptide'.