Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Pre-Production: 'There For You' Martin Garrix Music Video

I created this edit to another piece of music by Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan. I wanted to edit the clips to another piece of music to see whether it could change the meaning and appearance of my music video. With 'Beautiful People' by Chris Brown, I became limited to my editing and filming as the song didn't help me to express the proper context and meaning I intend on portraying within my music video. This edit follows my first pitch, second idea, only featuring clips of Dan dancing and non-professional clips to to create a 4th wall, a camera behind a camera.

Within this clip I wanted to portray a better story that worked with my footage, as mentioned above, I felt that my work was being restricted by my previous song choice as there were only a few ways that I could present my idea ina way that would fit with that song choice. I wanted to explore the different ways that I could present my idea for my music video and how it can be interpreted differently because of the layout and positioning of the clips. With other filmed clips I will create a second version of this music video that will feature other footage. This will create a different context within the video with a possible use of voice overs.
When I film my linear storyline I will re edit and follow through with my third idea with featuring a linear storyline along side the choreographed piece.