Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Idea 3 Feedback: Music and Editing

In this clip a fellow student gives her preference of which music worked best for the footage originally filmed to 'Beautiful People' by Christ Brown to a new song 'There For You' by Martin Garrix.

I decided to film a visual feedback on the two video edits I made from the two music video edits because it provides a personal and engaging interaction between the viewer and the speaker. It allows me to compare the two edits and to either add additional clips or change the narrative slightly. I learnt that I needed to make my narrative clearer, a concept that fits with Stuart Hall's Reception Theory. With more footage and re-arranging my clips I will aim to make a clearer narrative for my music video.

Why would I use technology to provide Audio-Visual feedback?
  • More personal and conversational in nature
  • Conveys tone which can add additional context and meaning
  • Additional cues from body language if you are recording yourself
  • Contextualised by displaying and highlighting part of the students work
  • Alternative medium to text which some learners may prefer
  • Many people can talk more quickly than they can type saving them time when generating feedback