Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Ancillary 1: Front Cover

After receiving two different types of audience feedback, one relating to the colour of this design and the other to the thickness of the lines of the hands, I created this design to be my final front cover. This title consists of a an off-black and white theme, the simplistic colours enables the design of the hand and the text to appear clean and easily distinguishable. The drawing of the hands is meaningful and by placing them in the central line they are the first detail that the audience looks at. The boldness of the artist name contrasts with the intricate drawing of the hands, I made this decision so that both of the titles and the design don't distract from one another.

After studying the from covers of a variety of artists and bands I saw a distinct similarity between the ones I analysed. The artist and bands had enlarged then name of their band or stage name, across the front of the album. this shows that the artists name is a bigger selling point than the name of their albums. I decided to use this researched knowledge and applied it to the design of my front cover. The name of the artist and title of the album is slightly off centre, because the name of the artist is in bold lettering, moving it off centre means that it doesn't overpower the front cover.

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