Friday, 22 December 2017

Pre-Production: Shoot 2

Shoot 2

The second set of shooting featured the actor in a spot light. This shots featured static and slow movements that I will use to create fillers to contrast with the other clips in my final film. The narrative follows the characters day-to-day actions, these clips will create a more metaphorical meaning portraying the venerability of the male character and how he is truly feeling rather than the 'face' he shows to society.
Moving the light around his face created different shadows that highlight different parts of his face and implied a more hollowed affect in others. This also creates a more skull like effect, connoting references to death and depression.

The top clip is footage from when I tested the angles of the lighting so I knew what shots I wanted within the actual footage and the angles of light that would be relevant to this part in my film.
Using light and shadows as a section within my film creates a separation between the reality and the mask that my character puts on his face.