Tuesday, 31 October 2017


I created this edit to another piece of music by Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan. I wanted to edit the clips to another piece of music to see whether it could change the meaning and appearance of my music video. With 'Beautiful People' by Chris Brown, I became limited to my editing and filming as the song didn't help me to express the proper context and meaning I intend on portraying within my music video. This edit follows my first pitch, second idea, only featuring clips of Dan dancing and non-professional clips to to create a 4th wall, a camera behind a camera.

Within this clip I wanted to portray a better story that worked with my footage, as mentioned above, I felt that my work was being restricted by my previous song choice as there were only a few ways that I could present my idea ina way that would fit with that song choice. I wanted to explore the different ways that I could present my idea for my music video and how it can be interpreted differently because of the layout and positioning of the clips. With other filmed clips I will create a second version of this music video that will feature other footage. This will create a different context within the video with a possible use of voice overs.
When I film my linear storyline I will re edit and follow through with my third idea with featuring a linear storyline along side the choreographed piece.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Within this clip I talk about the reasons why I wanted to changed the music I will  be filming with. I address the pros and cons and what the general benefits I will gain from the change in music.

Monday, 16 October 2017

Idea 1 and 2 Edits

Idea 1:
This is the final clip following my developing ideas for the story line I should pursue with the song 'Beautiful People' by Chris Brown. 
Although the music video is unfinished, I wanted to edit and create footage that would last for a certain amount of time so that I could see what the majority what the story line and footage would have turned out to look like. 

Idea 2: 
This is the final footage of my finished music video regarding the dancer and camera behind a camera idea. When filming I used a speaker to play the music aloud, this way my dancer could freestyle to the music in time which made it easier for me to link together the footage to the downloaded music. Although I will not follow through with this concept, the video was successful and has enabled me to develop my ideas further. 

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Filming Day Review

I constructed my first day of filming on the 27th July 2017, during this date I completed the dancing section to my music video at a recently made basketball court in Adderbury. I chose to film on this day because I needed to work around my dancer and the days he was free. I chose the week, which I was free throughout, and asked Dan what days and times worked best for him as he works at multiple places and also for himself. I could only film (along with my best friend Millie helping with the filming) on the Thursday because, like mentioned above, it was a day that suited both Dan and Millie. I had estimated that the filming would take at least 3 hours to capture (time would have differed if I didn't have a second camera also filming) and forward planned by making sure the weather was dry and sunny.
Forward planning for this filming day demonstrated to me that working around other peoples timings and aiming for a specific day was a necessary thing to do. This showed that I was professional by pre-planning the day and what I wanted to film. On this day I filmed with two cameras to not only save time (as we wouldn't need to re film the same part of the dance from another angle) but to capture shots that might have been missed if I had to re shoot again.
My friend Millie helped me with the filming, she has followed through with Media at college and with being in most of her coursework and having a friendship for years, I knew that her style of filming would create a differentiation throughout my work and that was something that I wanted to portray in the dancing film. Having a difference in lighting and focus gives the shots more character.

The day ran smoothly, I filmed plenty of footage that enabled me to experiment with the layout on 'Premiere' to marry two clips together or to see which clips worked together. I created three different clips that were either the final or secondary edits for that part of my coursework. I then adapted my three ideas that bounced off from the initial footage of the dancer and followed through with two of them with the footage I made to create a more context bound final film as I had practiced my editing skills within the 2 of the three ideas I pitched about a week previously.

Monday, 9 October 2017


These attached sheets are my Call Sheet for the first part of music video. Having a Call Sheet helped with the specific things about this section of my music video; the reasons why I chose the locations, things about the dancer and roughly how long the filming would take. I have written about my dancer, Daniel Brown, and the times and dates I filmed. I wanted to fill out the separate call sheets for the choreography and the linear storyline because there are different people and locations/ days that everything is being filmed. Although there will be a link between the two sets (choreography and linear storyline, which will be myself) the two sections are separate, so I will be filling out a separate Call Sheet for this.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Wednesday, 4 October 2017


Planning: Props

For my music video I won't be needing any specific props, above are pictures of the camera and tripod I will be using to film along side a second camera from Nikon, which will also help me to capture the same shot that is being filmed from another perceptive instead of having to re shoot what is happening to then retake the  When I filmed the choreography part to my music video I brought along a speaker to play the music out of which not only helped Dan (the dancer) to hear what he was dancing to, but would mean that I could here which part of the music Dan was dancing too when it came down to editing.

To the left are screenshots from the clips I have filmed already of the dancing choreography showing Dans clothing. I chose dark clothing for Dan because not only does it contrast with the brightness of the background but when he dances the dark movement will attract the audiences attention. His clothing is also fashionable, matching tight black trousers with a printed black and white top, grey trainers and a gold neckless, something also seen being worn by other hip hop dancers.

Within the linear narrative storyline that I will feature within my music video I will use skateboards and capture close ups and action shots of them being used in skate ramps. I chose skateboards as a prop and to be one of the main featured props used I the story because it will link the narrative with the dancing choreography through the retro locations they will and are filmed in/at (a basket ball court and at a skate ramps). The linear storyline will follow a trip with a group of friends starting off at a train station, the journey towards the skate ramps, clips at the skate ramps which will be the most featured within the storyline and then the trip back.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Organising: Text Messages
For one of my film ideas I wanted to film footage so that I could edit to the song 'Beautiful People' by Chris Brown. By organising a time and day with the dancer I wanted to film with, I was able to easily construct a plan for both of us that would work successfully. 

Hey Claud, it's Daniel, hope you're well.
The week of the 24th is fine with me.
You're the director, so I'll do my best to help you complete your vision. I'll do some choreographed movement linked with some freestyle aswell.

Hey Dan, I'm not too bad a little stressed about mocks as they're the ones going on future applications and my ballet exam, but hopefully everything will go well
I'll message you again closer to the time and I'm so glad you're up for it and all ready onto it, Claud

Hey Dan time flies! Next week is the one we were looking at and I have some times and dates for you for when I'm free: Monday 9-3, Tuesday 2-6 pm, Thursday and Friday (any time) - Let me know what works best for you! For the day, wear what you normally would when teaching a class I'm not fussed.
Let me know your thoughts on venues (nothing too mirror covered if an idea is at Bannatyne's as I'll be seen in the reflection) thanks, Claud

Hey dan I don't know if you've replied because a text hasn't come through (?). Mum said you were free on Thursday can you give me more info please, thanks, Claud

Hey Claud! Sorry i thought I replied! But yes time does fly! Thursday is the best day for me, hope that's ok for you. In terms of venue, what would be your ideal environment?

Hey dan so I've had another epiphany, if you can get to mine by 11 and we can go to the Lucy Placket in Adderbury, by the church and library. In the field there's a basket ball court which is a modern design with a solid floor (everything ideal for you dancing). It's going to supposedly start raining by 12 so we'll work quickly.

That sounds like a good idea Claud! I have a grey ford. I will see you at yours for 11! Any desires you have for outfit?

Just all black, sports/dance/fashionable clothing, your own interpretation is absolutely fine. My mate millie does media at College (me at sixthform) and her camera creates a different affect to mine, I've gotten her to help me film which could mean we wrap up quicker, is it possible to have one more passenger in your car for the few mins drive to Lucy Placket?  She'll arrive at my house before you so don't need to worry about picking anyone up from random places, see you soon

Within these text messages I have managed to easily manage a time and place with the dancer and choreographer Dan to enable us to meet so that I can collect footage for my coursework (used in ideas two and three). By being organised and precise about times and meeting places it enabled myself, Millie and Dan to get together and have everything we needed to film.

The first time I messaged Dan was at the end of May, giving him the date and week I intended on filming a couple of months previously so that he could keep the week free. When it came closer to the week I intended to film with Dan I contacted him again proposing that the week I had planned to film with him was the first week of my summer holiday so I was malleable to work around Dans dates and times that would fall within that week.